Day Nine - Nutrition Tips and Recipe Share:
Cider vinegar tonic to replace your happy hour cocktail:
Despite my Sunday best intentions, by Wednesday evening, 5 o’clock feels an awful lot like cocktail hour. Which is fine, except Wednesday turns quickly into Sunday again and it is just too many cocktails later for my productivity and liver to thrive. What to do?
I love a good win-win, and this solution has been in my back pocket for the past twenty years. When that pre-dinner drink becomes a little too habitual, I know it is time to trade in my happy hour IPA for its enlightening understudy: the cider vinegar tonic.
The benefits of consuming cider vinegar are far beyond hot topic status and have now entered the “backed by science” zone, even in a google search. Still, I will list some of these benefits: helps lower cholesterol, helps with weight loss, supresses apetite, kills harmful bacteria, contains enzymes and friendly bacteria, helps regulate blood sugar and reduces cravings.
The recipe:
8 oz pure h2o
1-2 tsp raw, unfiltired, organic cider vinegar*
the kind that contains the “mother” so the nutrients are intact! Bragg’s makes a good one.
To enjoy this simple treasure, mix vinegar into water in your favorite rocks glass. While the health benefits are best enjoyed at room temperature, feel free to pour over ice if you are really craving that cocktail vibe!
Cheers to good health! - Kendall