Boundless Clarity
Experience ~ Establish ~ Expand
July 23rd ~ August 6th ~ August 20th
Join Shea and New Yoga Now for a yoga nidra experience that supports boundless clarity. As each of us moves through this world and our daily lives, we are bombarded with information from every direction. That constant influx of information and mixed messages can lead us to confusion, questioning, and overall lack of clarity. For centuries Eastern philosophy has stressed the importance of finding time to quiet our minds and rest our nervous system. Western science is now agreeing and encouraging each of us to find practices that lower our stress levels and support our overall well-being. The practices that allow us to rest, digest, and restore are the same practices that can lead to the state of yoga nidra. Nidra can be loosely translated to mean “sleep” but yogic sleep is actually quite different from the sleep we are accustomed to; we are actually awakening when we enter into the state of nidra. We are awakening to our true nature as well as awakening to what keeps us asleep in our lives; those habits and thought patterns that keep us from thriving, as individuals as well as a collective. ~ Shea and New Yoga Now are offering a series of workshops that will allow you to dive deeper into these practices that create boundless clarity and awaken you to your full potential.
Session One ~ Experience
If you’ve never experienced yoga nidra before you are encouraged to begin with the very first session, Experience. Shea will offer an introduction to the history, styles, basic theory, and benefits of yoga nidra. She will then guide you through a gentle all levels movement practice to prepare body and mind for entering into the state of nidra.
Session Two ~ Establish
Session 2, Establish, is a great follow up for those who attended Session 1 or for those that have experienced yoga nidra! We dive deeper into theory by viewing the map of the mind from Eastern and Western philosophies, exploring the Conscious, Subconscious, Ego, and Unconscious. The rest of the session is spent exploring how to prepare the physical body for the state of nidra. Shea will lead you through building the perfect “nidra nest” so that you can find complete relaxation allowing nidra to become more accessible. You’ll also be guided through the theory and practice of moving “prana” (life-force/energy) so that the subtle body is prepared for nidra. Session 2 ends with establishing our Sacred Abode of the Heart to experience yoga nidra.
Session Three ~ Expand
Expand your experience in Session 3. This session is best for those who have completed the Experience and Establish sessions, or already have a deeper understanding of yoga nidra and the theory. In this session we explore the patterns that limit us and cloud our clarity. We look at the surface level habits but also those deeper habits outside of our awareness. Through yoga nidra we begin to develop clarity around those deep-seated patterns and how to shift our habits so that we can thrive. Journal prompts will be offered, inquiring into the nature of our habits, the security as well as the shackles they afford us. The session will conclude with movements encouraging pattern breaking followed by a practice that awakens us to the potential of our thriving self when we embody boundless clarity.