
Grow your Practice with Us!

Join the NYN teachers January 2nd for a very special LIVE STREAM Anniversary Celebration! Take a free class from home, then stop by our open house for retail sales, door prizes, and to say hello. Or, make it a full day of yoga and sign up for the entire journey from preparing the soil to harvesting the new year! Sign up early to ensure you receive the Zoom links in plenty of time!


8:00-9:00 Preparing the Soil: Live Stream Mindful Vin - Sydney

9:00 - 9:30 Planting the Seeds: Live Stream Yoga Nidra - Erin 

10:00-11:00 Watering the Garden: Live Stream Vinyasa 1 - Will

11:30-12:30 Sunlight: Live Stream Vinyasa 2 - Wayne

1:00-2:00 Pruning the Weeds: Live Stream Yoga for Sanity - Betsy

2:15-2:45 Fresh air: Live Stream Meditation and Pranayama - Emily P.

3:00-4:00 Watching and waiting: Live Stream Yin - Jill

4:30-5:45 Harvesting a New Year: Live Stream Celebration Vinyasa co-taught by Erin and Kendall


We will have FREE live stream classes all day from 8-5:15! One of the qualities that we cherish the most about our NYN Community is your authentic desire to experience yoga and to grow a true practice. You all are curious, joyful, trusting and open. You ALL truly understand that yoga is a process, much like cultivating a garden. We are very excited to celebrate and embody this theme throughout a very special day of free LIVE STREAM classes on Saturday, January 2! Classes have been built around themes of process and growth, and the day will culminate with a special Vinyasa class taught by Erin and Kendall.


Stop by the studio anytime between 8 am and 4 pm to say hello! Kendall and Erin will be there all day with retail sales, socially distant hangout space, and door prizes!