Day One - Asana Focus:


Staff Pose: Dandasana

Named for the straight, strong staff carried by accomplished renunciates with the title of danda swami.  This staff symbolizes the spinal column and the energy of self-awakening that resides in each human being. 

Dandasana is a simple seated posture that helps to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, the abdomen, and those found deep in the pelvis. Dandasana can help improve overall posture and create a solid foundation for healthy alignment of the rest of the spine. 

Expert Tip: Resist overarching your back which can overwork the hip flexors and put pressure on the sacroiliac joint that joins your sacrum (the base of your spine) with your pelvis. To reduce rounding in the spine, that can restrict your breathing and put strain on your lower back, place a folded blanket under your seat. Let your work be to find a natural, neutral alignment in your spine.  With practice, the strength developed in dandasana can begin to eliminate habitual rounding in the shoulders and low back and cultivate better posture.

As you visit this posture or pose in your practice, begin to bring awareness to the distribution of the weight of your body. Start to notice:

  • Where do you feel heavy?

  • Where do you feel light?

  • Can you bring balance to the posture by engaging the thighs and lifting your chest?

  • Can you tap into the flow of vital energy rising up the length of the spine as to deepen your connection with the earth?

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